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Toilet Gurgling When Flushing: What You Need to Know and How to Fix It

If you hear the toilet gurgling when flushing, don’t ignore it. Because gurgling noise could be a sign of a serious problem with your plumbing.

What causes this and how can it be stopped? Toilet gurgles are caused by negative air pressure in the drain pipe. This can be caused by a clogged toilet, a blocked vent pipe, or a problem with the sewer line. To stop the toilet gurgling, you can try plunging the toilet, clearing the vent pipe, or calling a plumber.

So, if you’re dealing with this problem, keep reading to learn what you need to know and how to fix it.

What Causes Toilet Gurgling When Flushing?

Here are main 3 reasons why your toilet gurgles:

1. Clogged Toilet

The most common cause of toilet gurgling is a clogged toilet. When a toilet is clogged, water cannot flow freely down the drain. As a result, there is negative air pressure in the pipes, causing the water to roar.

You can identify a clogged toilet by looking for the following signs:

  • The toilet is slow to flush
  • The toilet bowl does not fill all the way up
  • The toilet makes gurgling noises when you flush it

The best way to identify a clogged toilet is to plug it in or use a drain snake to clear it.

2. Blocked Vent Pipe

The vent pipe allows air to flow into the drain system. If the pipe is blocked, it can create negative air pressure in the pipe, causing the toilet to flush.

You can identify a blocked vent pipe by looking for the following signs:

  • The toilet gurgles when you flush it
  • Other drains in your home gurgle or back up
  • You see bubbles in the toilet water

Try clearing your vent pipe with a wire hanger or a vent cleaning tool if it appears to be blocked.

3. Problem with the Sewer Line

A sewer line problem would be clear if you hear gurgling noises continuously, even without using the toilet. Or if you see sewage backing up into your toilet or other drains.

Here you can identify a problem with the sewer line by looking for the following signs:

  • The toilet gurgles all the time, even when you are not using it
  • Other drains in your home gurgle or back up
  • You see sewage backing up into your toilet or other drains

Whenever you suspect that your sewer line has a problem, you should contact a plumber.

How To Fix Toilet Gurgling When Flushing?

You can resolve the gurgling toilet issue and restore normal functionality by following a few steps. Here are 4 key solutions to consider:

1. Clearing Blockages

Use a plunger or plumbing snake to remove any obstructions in the toilet trap or drain. The water should now flow smoothly and you should be able to hear no gurgling noises.

2. Improving Ventilation

Check the vent stack, which allows air to flow into the drain system. Make sure it is free of blockages or debris that could prevent proper airflow. Clearing the vent stack can help alleviate negative pressure and reduce gurgling.

3. Repairing Sewer Lines

A sewer line problem may be indicated by persistent gurgling and other drainage issues. In such cases, it is advisable to seek professional help to inspect and repair any potential issues.

4. Adjusting Water Pressure

Irregular water pressure can contribute to gurgling. Keep the water pressure at an appropriate level to prevent air bubbles from forming and maintain a steady flow.

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Taking care of these potential causes will effectively fix gurgling toilets and restore their proper working order. It is recommended, however, to consult a licensed plumber if the problem persists or you are not sure about the underlying issue.

Effects of Toilet Gurgling

The gurgling of a toilet can cause a variety of difficulties and potential problems in your home. Here are some of the effects of toilet gurgling:   

Slow draining

It can create negative pressure in the pipes if there is a clog in the drain line or vent pipe. This negative air pressure can cause the water to gurgle as it tries to force its way through the blockage. It can also lead to slow drainage of toilets and other drains in your home.

Sewage backup

It is possible that the water will not drain at all if the clog is severe enough. This can lead to sewage backing up into your toilet and other drains in your home. This can be a health hazard, as it can expose you to bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.

Damage to your plumbing

If the clog is not cleared, it can eventually damage your plumbing. This can lead to leaks, cracks, and other problems that can be costly to repair.

Unpleasant smells

The gurgling noise can also be annoying and unpleasant. Also, if the clog is not cleared, it may eventually cause sewage to back up into your toilet and other drains. This can cause foul odors that can permeate your home.

Increased Water Bills

Water can be wasted when toilets gurgle. Toilets that are partially blocked or improperly flushed can use more water than necessary to flush, increasing water bills over time. Moreover, gurgling can lead to unnecessary costs and can improve water use if the causes are addressed.

Taking action is necessary if you experience any of these effects. You can try flushing the toilet or using a drain snake to clear the clog. If you are unable to clear the clog yourself, you may need to call a plumber.

Preventing Toilet Gurgling: Tips to Avoid Gurgling Issues

Toilet gurgling is a common problem that can be caused by many factors. While it may not be a severe issue, it can be annoying and inconvenient.

Here are 7 tips on how to prevent toilet gurgling:

  • Avoid throwing too much toilet paper inside the toilet
  • Don’t flush anything other than toilet paper and human waste down the toilet
  • Have your drains cleaned regularly
  • Check for leaks
  • Install a toilet auger
  • Flush the toilet regularly
  • Call a plumber if necessary

It is possible to keep your toilets from gurgling by following these tips.

When To Call A Plumber For A Gurgling Toilet?

A gurgling toilet can be a sign of a more serious plumbing problem. It’s time to call a plumber if you haven’t been able to resolve the gurgling issue after trying these tips:

  • Your toilet continues to gurgle even after plunging and using a toilet auger
  • You notice other strange noises coming from your toilet, such as bubbling or hissing
  • Your toilet or other drains are backed up with sewage
  • You’re not comfortable fixing your own plumbing

It is best to call a plumber if you notice any of these signs. Even though gurgling toilets may seem like a minor problem, they may signal a more serious problem that could lead to home damage.


To make your understanding easier, here are some Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is a gurgling toilet dangerous?

No, gurgling toilets are not dangerous, but they may indicate plumbing issues.

Q: How much does it cost to fix a gurgling toilet?

The cost to fix a gurgling toilet can vary, but it depends on the specific issue and the extent of repairs needed.

Q: How can I prevent toilet gurgling in the future?

Regular maintenance, proper disposal of waste, avoiding flushing non-flushable items, and addressing plumbing issues promptly can help prevent toilet gurgling.

In The End

Toilet gurgling when flushing is a common problem that can be caused by various things. The causes of this problem are clogged toilets, blocked vent pipes, and sewer line problems.

If you hear gurgling noises coming from your toilet or drains, it’s a good idea to have the toilet checked by a plumber. A gurgling toilet can be fixed by a few simple fixes yourself, but if you are unable to do so, you should contact a plumber.